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Decade After His Called-Shot, Raheem Kassam's Business Acumen Displaces Contemporary Geopolitical Axiom(s)
Raheem recently said < my paraphrase: > that despite popular-media's drumbeat about how Ukraine is an all-hands-on-deck situation worth dozens of billions of tax dollars [for which everyday American independent contractors foot the bill], it's the wrong question, altogether. It's an exercise in futility to be chasing a wrong process. it's the wrong orientation—the wrong focus about it—from the jump.
I'm not gonna do your thinking for you—nor should anyone allow anyone else to do their thinking for them—about the Ukraine/WWIII-topic. That's not what this website is intended to do to you. Just remember it's not the downfall of the everyday Russian people, their families, or its economy we should be chasing. For that matter, the people of the United States do not intend any harm against the everyday, regular, normal Chinese 老百姓 Lao Baixing family and citizen, either; despite their unfortunately being ruled by the racist and murderous, illegitimate, fake-government Chinese Marxist Communist Party in Mainland China, at the moment.
By the way — in case you missed it — Raheem Kassam warned what a large uprising in Ukraine suggested for international geopolitics and for the rest of the world. Most everyone else missed it, back when he said it.

Anyway, Back To The Point

And no, I'm not talking about selfish, game-rigging, late-stage Capitalism which is a thugocracy and not real Capitalism. In case you weren't aware; there's a difference between "Good, Honest, Entrepreneurial Business/Capitalism", and "Bad, Selfish, Wall-Street Oligopoly Capitalism". Stretching all the way back from when I was a young guy, reaching to our here-and-now—I do not hold a hatred in my heart for Capitalism, and neither should YOU.
Decade After His Called-Shot, Raheem Kassam's Business Acumen Displaces Contemporary Geopolitical Axiom(s)

The people around the world want peace

While the answer is not an easy one (especially when one considers heartbreaking facts like Ukrainian mothers-and-fathers spending all their money to send their sons out-of-country so they do not have to fight in this conflict) , let's remember the power-drill. Are we chasing a one-off thing that is no solution at all, in and of itself; a thing that is in a completely misguided direction? Or are we chasing the thing itself? That is, are we chasing our tails, running around in circles over "60 billion for Ukraine 60 billion for Ukraine" to reach an end that runs counterintuitive to what the people want?

" we can stop world war 3"

Rather than chase our tails with this fake narrative about whether or not "sending all this money to Ukraine so we can stop World War 3… " is the best decision—which is where our minds are deliberately spun all the time—let's stop and zoom-in to the latter statement in the previous sentence: " we can stop world war 3":
So let's get to the point—why am I saying, "Raheem called a shot 10 years ago; now everyone, come over here, come look at this"?
However, I keep thinking about how *LOUD* the messaging is, in our country, about the Ukrainian issue. And I wanna make sure I'm thinking about it correctly, right? Like we've said before,, evidence, data, FACTS matter. One must look at the world for what it is, not what we might like it to be. And bad as we hate it, some of our most lovely relatives, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, co-workers, people with whom we engage regularly online as friends that we might not know IRL; all of them can make us typical, low-information voters if we're not actually making that for-real effort to see the world for what is really going on. And we have to take those extra steps, regularly, so we can know what's actually going on; both in the world as a whole, and for what it means for our beloved nation-state, the United States of America.

My first instinct is to say—I agree with you on that!

And I couldn't blame you. You might even talk about how,
"WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH RIGHT NOW, Travis? It's *10 YEARS LATER*—don't you know we have bigger fish to fry than a guy 's called-shot from 2014?", you might say.
What we're really after is a hole in the wall (because the hole in the wall gets me my picture of my loved-one).
...we're not after a power-drill, at all.
Take, for example, the classic household task of hanging up an item on the wall in the home. Part of making that time to complete the honey-do involves researching which exact products and tools are needed for the home project, going to the store to purchase the supplies, shelling out the cash—it's all a big thing. It's always this big production; because, hey, things are tight [and honestly, it's why, sometimes, homeowners feel like, "Who has the time, or money, or effort [because we're all so stressed-out anyway]?" While it's true that we *do* look at various power-drills, think about pros and cons, process the various brands, determine value, shop, etc; it's not this fantastic wonderful idea of some super specific, otherworldly perfect power-drill, into which we're dumping all of our hopes and dreams of our honey-do project.
I learned this one really cool specific thing about Marketing. And while I heard it in a few different business workshops and from various speakers throughout the years—many of whom were successful businesspeople in their own right—it goes something like this:
So don't hate business. There are wonderful, salt-of-the-earth businesspeople of all skin colors and beliefs with pure intention and motives, opening mom-and-pop small businesses all throughout our great country.
Not only was sitting in business workshops—circa 2010s—as a 20-year old nobody-from-the-hinterlands like myself new territory, but it was also a little intimidating for more than a few reasons. And one of the cool rarities were the occasional crossovers between the book-learnin' I got from my MBA program, combined with real-world business application. Oftentimes, I'd attend local business meet-ups or networking events or workshops to get to know folks. Like, I was this young guy—many many times I was overwhelmingly the youngest person in the room—trying my best to learn what really goes on in the business-world—I mean, for-real, local businesses, conducting real-world business.

More People Should Listen To Raheem Kassam

May 20-21, 2024
Contributed by Travis J, MBA
within and among the American people, the Russian people, and the Chinese 老百姓 Lao Baixing. While I don't claim to speak for every-person-ever; the people want to avoid World War III, the people want to raise and protect our families in our nation-states throughout the world, and the people want to be free to do it in the way they and their own families see fit.
Credit: Raheem Kassam, twitter, BBC, WarRoom, Make My Techxit ® , Jim Rickards
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