Honestly, not a lot. At this time, the most popular Social Media platforms are their own companies with their own rules and standards, and they are free to change and enforce them at their own discretion. The best thing you can do is stay informed on what their rules and standards are, do your best to follow them, and attempt to follow on-screen instructions on protesting and submitting your attempts to "clear yourself" to get your profile re-instated.
While there are some apps and computer software that might be able to help you monitor Social Media usage of other people in your home, some of the best things you can do on this subject is to have intentional conversations with your kids about what they may see online, listen to and talk with them regularly on what are acceptable and unacceptable actions on Social Media, encourage them to maintain certain values, and make good decisions for themselves on actions they take online/on Social Media. Part of these conversations can be legality of online content, and consequences of bad decisions when using the Internet and Social Media.